Managed Service Provider vs. Hourly Support
Have you ever considered living life without insurance? You could save a lot of money in the short term without paying insurance premiums. But, eventually, an accident, natural disaster or health issue will occur and could significantly impact you financially.
The same is true for technology in your business. While it might seem like you could save money in the short term, having a Managed IT partner will save you both money and headaches in the long term.
The ‘Pay as You Go’ Method
Utilizing an hourly rate information technology service strategy is much like living life without insurance. You only pay when something is broken or needs attention. Sounds simple — and there is potential for short-term cost savings. However, when an issue does occur, it can cost you and your company time and money. In addition, because hourly IT service costs fluctuate, there is no way to budget for the service.
The Benefits to an MSP
When you bring on a reliable managed service provider (MSP), it not only enables your company to maintain your existing technology investment, it also allows you to make well-informed technology advancement decisions to help your business mature. Plus, the managed service program, otherwise known as the all-inclusive model, allows your finance team to have a more consistent month-to-month IT cost structure.
A Trusted Advisor: What to Look For
A good MSP is vendor agnostic and able to implement a variety of solutions. When you are discussing a potential new business process or application They can advise based on their experience with others in your industry and you can feel confident. A good MSP will explain the benefits to services that can help your business, rather than just trying to sell services that you may not need.
A trusted advisor isn’t afraid to ask the “why” questions. While this may challenge you, it’s important to reflect and clarify the needs versus the wants in any technology implementation process. A good MSP will know what is new and relevant to your industry and work environment. For example, an MSP should be knowledgeable about regulations in your industry, such as HIPAA, PCI, SOC, etc. The provider should also have a cybersecurity offering that trains your employees on computings safety and protects your company’s important data.
What You Get
Depending on the size of your company, for the price of less than one employee, you could get strategic direction from a vCIO, an account manager to keep the tactical issues on target, and access to multiple engineers and help desk staff members to address day-to-day computer issues. You can control IT costs, improve productivity, increase compliance, and reduce risks with a Managed Service Provider.
If you’d like more information on Revolution Groups managed service program, feel free to reach out to us. You can call us at 614-212-1101 or visit our website.