Sales & Marketing

Brian Wood

Manufacturing ERP/MES Technical Sales

Brian was raised in Wisconsin Rapids, WI and is married with 3 kids and a cat. He came to us with Process Controls Integration, Controls Engineering and Account Management experience. In his free time Brian plays the drums in a local cover band. He also enjoys volleyball, basketball and spending time outdoors doing things like fishing, hiking and camping.

Fun Facts
When I was a kid, I was able to meet Buzz Aldrin, who was on the Apollo 11 mission and was the second person to ever walk on the moon.

What do you love most about Revolution Group?
The culture is great, and I love the vision for the company and the position we are in as a strong ERP/MES integrator.

Email Me: BWood@

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Managed IT Services

CIO level expertise, managed technology services, and strategic IT support delivered with a smile.
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Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform™

Plex Services

Comprehensive ERP and MES consulting services including system selection and deployment, optimization, extended application development and systems integration.

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